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The Arches!

These pictures are of a trip Josh just took to the Arches last week with a bunch of buddies from Utah. It was awesome and from what he tells me plus all the pictures, it sounds like he had a total blast. On their last day there, they took a grueling ten-mile hike that just about tested everybody to the max, literally climbing straight down (and back up) through the rock structures without any foot or hand holds, having to use their backs and arms to brace themselves as they climbed up and down through the rocks....sounds like a blast (NOT!) for us armchair adventurers! He still can barely move from the hike! One of the pictures in the slide show is of a lady who was tucked away among the rocks, playing Indian music on some instrument, similar to the flute. Josh said it sounded so cool to hear her play that beautifully haunting music among the rocks. It's so beautiful here....just another trip I have added to Maddie's and my "Must Do" list in the not-so-distant future!

Josh at the Arches: May 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day with the gang!

Happy Mother's Day! I hope everyone had a really great day! We had a really nice and relaxing day over here...very simple but nice. Maddie absolutely loves the holidays and Mother's Day has proven to be no exception. When I picked her up from the Kids Club at the gym yesterday morning, she gave each kid a great big hug goodbye and enthusiastically yelled "Happy Mother's Day" to every single one of them! The teachers and I couldn't stop laughing because most of the kids just looked at her with these blank looks in their eyes, not having a clue what she was so excited about, but there were a few girls about Maddie's age who shared her enthusiasm because as Maddie went to hug them goodbye, they all got in a circle and huddled together, excitedly whispering, "What are YOU doing for Mother's Day?" and each of them telling the others about their special plans. Maddie told them she was making me a cake. I couldn't have been more proud. Her enthusiasm is definitely contagious!
Well, I knew this one was coming...it always does. Maddie and I ran over to Costco and we were walking along, talking about nothing other than Mother's Day when all of a sudden, she folded her arms, got a pout on her face and said, "Hmph...." in the most indignant voice I've ever heard. It was hard not to smile but I pretended to be very concerned and asked her what was wrong. She said she'd been thinking and that it just didn't seem right that today was Mother's Day and that Father's Day is coming up soon and that kids just don't EVER get a special day for themselves. Why don't kids ever get presents or treats? IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!" at which point she broke into about a 30 second round of tears. You HAVE to love the drama, AND the reasoning, of a 4-year-old, don't you? (Keep in mind this is right after I just placed a swimming pool into our shopping cart!) They just don't understand when you try to tell them that pretty much every day is "Kids Day"..that one just goes right over their heads. It cracked me up so bad!
Anyways, Josh left Moab early this morning so that he could be home for Mother's Day and then Justin came over and we had a really nice dinner, just relaxing and spending time together. Maddie's new thing is telling jokes and she captivated us all for about 10 minutes with jokes that went something like this...."Why did the peanut butter and jelly sandwich cross the road?" "I don't know, Maddie. Why did it cross the road?" "To get to the garbage can!" after which she would break out with the biggest case of the giggles. It was great....she had us rolling because absolutely none of her jokes made one bit of sense! Oh, and one of the best parts was that after dinner, Maddie made me a beautiful pink princess cake, just like she'd been telling everyone, so that "you and me can be princesses together FOREVER, mommy"....now if that doesn't make a mom's heart melt, I don't know what does. It sure did mine... Anyways, here are some pictures from tonight's antics. Again, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. You were all in my thoughts even though we may not have spoken....


  1. Good for you Maddie!!!! What a great way to honor mother's day, with a pink princess cake. Sorry, I'm so slow to respond. Hey Maddie, why can't (mexicans) BarBQ? The beans fall through the grill. (That is from Ryan) By the way, I love mexican food! I think today is kids day, Maddie, and I am sure missing you.

  2. What a handsome crew for you to be proud of on Mother's Day!


Justin and Erica in beautiful Gettysburg: February 2009

When Justin and Erica traveled back east for a few weeks in February, their favorite stop, by far, was Gettysburg. They absolutely fell in love with it and sent me, literally, hundreds of pictures. They were fascinated by its rich history and captivated by the sheer beauty and quaintness of the town. Though I've never visited there, my sister tells me that as pretty as Gettysburg is in February, when these pictures were taken, it is absolutely breathtaking in the spring when everything begins to turn green and the flowers begin to bloom after the long, cold winter. I literally had to go through several hundred pictures to select some for the blog but the few that I have chosen do not even begin to tell the story of Gettysburg. I hope y0u enjoy them as much as I have and please ask Justin and Erica if you have any questions...they have become experts on the area and would love to pass on their knowledge (especially when it comes to the ghosts!)